A note from Paul and Dave:
Over the more than 80 years of our pastorates, we have found inspiration in the poetry of Christmas.
Now we hope to share this poetry with you in a Saturday morning gathering, December 16, from 9:30 am until 12 noon at Westminster Presbyterian Church, 85 Chestnut Street in Albany.
We will read and discuss, both together and alone, poems of John Milton, W. B. Yeats, Denise Levertov, Barrie Shepherd, and others.
The Biblical scholar Raymond Brown describes what we hope to experience as an “adult Christ at Christmas.”
We will read, among others, the spectacular “On the Morning of Christ’s Nativity” by John Milton.
We will also read “The Oxen” by Thomas Hardy, a poem which describes Christmas as “a fair fancy few would weave in these days.”
Come away from the shopping, wrapping, worrying, and experience the the spiritual imagination of “The Poetry of Christmas.”
Park in the church lot directly adjacent and use the Chestnut Street entrance. There is no charge.
We intend this time to be a gift, a free gift as they say on TV. It is a gift of time to read the poetry of Christmas, to quietly think about what we seek to find. We would welcome you Saturday morning, the 16th.
If you can, please register online or call us to let us know you are coming – the pastor has promised coffee and doughnuts!
~ Paul Randall and Dave McMillan
Led by Rev. David McMillan, HR & Rev. Paul Randall, HR
In-person only in the Welles Room
Poets including Dylan Thomas, T.S. Eliot, W.H. Auden, Denise Levertov, and W.B. Yeats have given us the gift of their insights into the meaning of Christmas.
As we enter the last week of shopping, wrapping, sending, and waiting, come apart and enter the world of spiritual imagination and seek to find what Biblical scholar Raymond Brown calls “The Adult Christ at Christmas.”
Dave McMillan will lead us in reading and reflecting, both together and alone. Copies of the poems will be available in worship on December 10 and in the church office.
Coffee, tea, and scones provided. Advanced registration is appreciated but drop-ins are also welcome. Please register online, email Dave, or email the church office at [email protected].