Church School: Online

Join us online this week as we learn together in Church School.

CHURCH SCHOOL IS ONLINE THIS WEEK (see the schedule below)

Please mail Belinda for the Zoom information at [email protected]

Church School Schedule:

  • First Sunday of the month we will meet in-person only
  • All other Sundays we will meet online only

Start time:

Online and in-person classes will start at 11:00 am


We shall use the Children’s Ministry Curriculum, which is adaptable to all denominations and easy to use during in-person and online settings. Each month, we will have a new theme.

October’s theme: “FRIEND REQUEST”

We will focus on helping the children build healthy, Christ-centered friendships in an increasingly online world. These lessons teach children how to choose good friends and follow Jesus’ example of true friendship. We shall hear the stories of:

  • The Wise and Foolish Builder
  • David’s praise
  • Being wonderfully made
  • Ruth’s kindness to Naomi
  • How Jesus calls us “friends”

Thank you for ensuring that our children come to class and, by extension, remain active members of this community.

Learn more about our Children, Youth, & Families programs

Mark your calendars: Lantern Workshop–November 3rd

During our Church School, we will enjoy our annual event on Sunday, November 3, from 11:00 am–1:00pm. Plan to bring children to this fun activity which will be followed by a parade in the park.


As our children move up, it is crucial that we have a separate class for our middle through high school youth. Take a look at the “Church School Volunteer Role Description” and come join in this fulfilling ministry. We need you!

Church School: Online

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