Second Hour Discussions: Sept 8 & 15
Join us in-person and online
If the saying is true that “You are what you eat,” then what are we? Sue Schell and Paul Randall will lead two Second Hour discussions on this topic following Sunday worship on Sept. 8 and 15. We will look at today’s food production and distribution in both crop and animal farming in light of some of the Bible’s early stories about food. Study papers are available now to participants. This resource comes from Email the church office for more information at [email protected].
Click on the link below to join this Second Hour event through a Zoom Meeting:
Listening to the service on your phone:
If you are having trouble using Zoom to join the worship service, or would prefer to listen, you can call in and hear the service over your phone. Any phone number below should work.
- +1 646 558 8656
- +1 312 626 6799
- +1 669 900 9128
Meeting ID: 565 789 833
Passcode: 12210
Phone controls for participants: The following command can be entered using your phone’s dial pad while in a Zoom meeting:
- *6 – Toggle mute/unmute