We had a lot to be thankful for and to celebrate on November 15 – Dedication Sunday – a time of a collective stewardship celebration and demonstration of our commitment and loyalty to Westminster. We made a bold decision to say YES to Westminster’s future by having a balanced budget in 2021, with a sustainable draw from our endowment, resulting in a Stewardship goal of $203,000. We knew that would be a stretch, but we also knew we could rise to the occasion. We launched our Stewardship campaign full of enthusiasm with Pastor Heather leading us. We currently have a collective stewardship amount of $187,905 toward our goal of $203,000, including 19 new pledges and 37 pledges that were increased by an average of 20% over the prior year. This is more than we have received in stewardship since 2017 due to a concerted effort to reach every member and close friend of Westminster. Thank you to all those who supported that effort. With only $15,095 more to go, we are very likely to reach our goal. Just think, if only 40 of us increased our pledge by $250 annually or $20/month, we could really close that gap with that additional $10,000. On behalf of the Stewardship & Budget Committee and Session, I want to share our sincere thanks to all of you for demonstrating your commitment to Westminster in 2021. Thank you for saying YES to Westminster’s future. Whatever final acts you can do to help us reach our goal would be greatly appreciated! ~ Kelly Crisfield on behalf of Westminster’s Stewardship & Budget Committee Stewardship & Budget Committee & supporters: Arthur Fullerton, Leif Hartmark, Forrest Holroyd, Belinda Quaye, Tom McPheeters, Larry Volk, and Pastor Heather Kirk-Davidoff. Stewardship is a very personal and impactful decision which takes canvassing the entire congregation. Thanks to all. Kelly has been a member of Westminster since 1996 and has served as a Deacon, Trustee, member on the Stewardship & Budget Committee, and is currently serving on Session.