Concert Performance: Joseph Haydn’s Mass in Time of War In memory of Albert Zeppieri November 6, 2016 4:00pm Reception to follow the concert Westminster Presbyterian Church At 4:00 PM on Sunday afternoon, November 6 (All Saints’ Sunday), the Westminster Church Choir will present a concert in memory of our Albert Zeppieri, who died this past Easter morning. It was Al’s wish that instead of a funeral or memorial service, a concert performance of Joseph Haydn’s Mass in Time of War be given in his memory, and in his will, made provision for the hiring of a 20-piece orchestra to make the event possible. In addition to singing in Westminster’s choir, Al had also sung with Albany Pro Musica, and was very active in the musical and cultural life of the greater Capital Region. Thus, members of Pro Musica and of the Helderberg Madrigal Singers will be joining the Westminster Choir for the occasion. A dedicatory piano solo will also be performed by Al’s friend Rob LaRocca on the Yamaha concert grand piano which Al bequeathed to Westminster. This will be a very special event–not only because it memorializes a dear friend, but also because of the central message of the work itself. Haydn’s Mass in Time of War is a powerful statement of faith, composed during a period of great danger and uncertainty. Now, just as then, the work’s emphatic final words – Dona nobis pacem (Grant us peace) – are as much a political demand as they are a prayer. Albert Zeppieri understood this message, and leaves it for us as both his parting gift and final statement. Please plan to attend the concert. Admission is free, and refreshments will follow. Location: Westminster Presbyterian Church Parking: 85 Chestnut St, Albany, NY When: 4:00pm Reception to follow concert. For more information, please contact the church office at [email protected] or 518-436-8544. Al is a nationally-known organist and composer whose choral and organ works and hymns are played and sung here regularly, as well as throughout the rest of North America and abroad. Recently Al served on the committee which produced Glory to God: the Presbyterian Hymnal, and oversaw the work of its music subcommittee. Besides playing the organ, planning the church’s music, and administering Westminster’s Concert Series, Al also serves as Organist/Choir Director at Albany’s Congregation Beth Emeth, and as Chapel Organist at Emma Willard School in Troy.
Concert in Memory of Albert Zeppieri