Earth Care: Our Air, Our Water, Our Vote.

Oct 20, 2021

Why make Earth Care a priority?

The Presbyterian Church Book of Order, Directory for Worship, includes the following in W-5.0305: Care of Creation: “God sends the Church to share in the stewardship of creation, preserving the goodness and glory of the earth God has made. God cares for us through the gifts of creation, providing all that we need in abundance. As caretakers of God’s creation, we are called to tend the land, water, and air with awe and wonder at God’s gifts; use the earth’s resources wisely, without plundering, polluting, or destroying; use technology in ways that preserve and enhance life; measure our production and consumption in order to provide for the needs of all; foster responsible practices of procreation and reproduction; and seek beauty, order, health, harmony, and peace for all God’s creatures.”

Take Action

This fall, on Election Day, November 2, New Yorkers will have the historic opportunity to enshrine the right to clean air, clean water, and a healthy environment into the Bill of Rights of the New York State constitution. The Vote YES for Clean Air and Water will establish the highest protection available under law to protect public health and the environment.

This election season, registered voters across New York State will be able to vote YES to guarantee:

Each person shall have the right to clean air and water, and a healthful environment.”

Voting YES on environmental rights will create legal safeguards for New Yorkers to secure clean air and water for generations to come and will make New York State a leader in environmental rights.

For more information, visit ,

Submitted by the WPC Earth Care Team

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