While we’re seeing God’s creation being ravaged by one disaster after another, we can feel that we are helpless to do anything meaningful in the short term to change things. But there is something we can do in the short term that can have long term consequences: Westminster’s Earth Care Team suggests a way to affect change: VOTE!
The candidates have differing views on what should be done. The person who leads us will have an important and timely role for the fate of the earth during a critical time. If you’re interested in finding how the major candidates propose to proceed in the future, information sites like ProCon.org catalog and compare policies and programs being advocated.
ProCon.org provides information on the Democratic, Republican, Libertarian, and Green parties. To display comparisons among the candidates on a wide range of issues, follow these steps: Opening its home page Click on “2020 Presidential Election” You can display comparisons among the candidates on a wide range of issues. Positions on a number of environmental issues are available. The WPC Earth Care Team is an open group and would love to have you join in our conversation! Contact the WPC church office for more information at office@wpcalbany.org