“We Gather Together: Support and Inspiration for Earth Care Congregations”
We’re stronger together! Please join members of some local churches who have made caring for the earth a priority for their work together and their witness to the world. You are welcome to join us if you’ve been working for a while to make your congregation greener or if you’re just getting started. You’ll leave our time together with some great ideas for specific actions your church can take this year and some new friends to support you.
Our time together will include lunch and plenty of time for a walk in the woods or time by the fire. Children are most welcome to join us for all or part of our time together. Learn more: Event Flyer
REGISTRATION: $10/person, or $20 for a family (includes lunch and refreshments). Please register online by October 7th.
Register Here
Note: Please plan to bring your coffee mug, plate, and utensils.
Hosted by: Westminster Presbyterian Church, Delmar Presbyterian Church, and New Scotland Presbyterian Church