We will meet in-person and online via Zoom with Emmanuel Baptist. We will not meet at Westminster Presbyterian church this Sunday.
Regular in-person and online worship at Westminster will resume again on Sunday, February 9th
FOCUS Combined Winter Worship
February 2, 2025
Emmanuel Baptist Church
275 State Street, Albany, NY 12210
10:00 am
Please plan to join us in-person worship or online with Zoom.
Online worship details: https://www.emmanuelalbany.net/
FOCUS Churches is six covenant churches, united in a common calling to respond to our neighbor’s needs in the city of Albany and beyond. Join us as we come together in a single worship service.
Welcome to our new Executive Director, Keith Leahey
We look forward to gathering with everyone in February for our Combined Winter Worship. This year is especially exciting as we welcome Keith Leahey, our new Executive Director. Click here to learn more about Keith.
Worship with Communion–for those worshiping online:
Please gather your own communion elements prior to the service—any kind of bread and any kind of drink in any kind of cup.
Prepare for cooler temperatures:
The Emmanuel Baptist building runs on the cool side so we encourage you to dress warmly.
Following worship:
We invite you to stay after the service to meet Keith, our new Executive Director, along with our Board Members. Take this opportunity to introduce yourself, ask questions, share any concerns, or simply enjoy some conversation.
Parking is available directly behind Emmanuel which can be accessed by driving through the alley next to Accuprint on Washington Avenue.
Mobility challenges:
People with limited mobility are encouraged to use the small lot on the east side of the Emmanuel building, entering from State Street. Street parking is available on State Street and Washington Avenue. If parking on Washington Avenue, walk through the Accuprint alley and enter through the church’s back door.
Limited parking is also available across the street at Westminster Presbyterian Church, 85 Chestnut St, Albany.