Sunday Worship: Fourth Sunday in Advent

Sunday worship at Westminster will be only online with Zoom. We will gather in-person & online later for Christmas Eve.

The morning of Christmas Eve can be such a busy time. Let’s resist the urge to crowd in one more thing and make some time for the intimate and astonishing story of Mary. “For nothing will be impossible with God,” the angel Gabriel tells her. We’ll let Mary explain what that means for her–and for us as well.

This morning’s online ONLY service will be a little shorter, a little quieter, and a little more intimate than our evening service–an invitation to center yourself spiritually in preparation for the celebration of Christmas.

Click on the link below to join worship through a Zoom Meeting:

Click here for Sunday’s bulletin

The same link will be used in all our upcoming “Sunday Worship” gatherings

Listening to the service on your phone:

If you are having trouble using Zoom to join the worship service, or would prefer to listen, you can call in and hear the service over your phone. Any phone number below should work.

  • +1 646 558 8656
  • +1 312 626 6799
  • +1 669 900 9128

Meeting ID: 565 789 833
Passcode: 12210

Phone controls for participants: The following command can be entered using your phone’s dial pad while in a Zoom meeting:

  • *6 – Toggle mute/unmute

Sunday Worship: Fourth Sunday in Advent

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