A New Fall Sunday Worship Cadence for Oct, Nov, and Dec

Sep 11, 2022

Coming in October: An Experiment in How We Gather for Worship

The Christian Life and Learning (CL&L) team has decided to experiment a bit with the ways we gather for worship on Sunday mornings. We’ll try out a new format in October, November, and December and then assess.

First Sunday of the month

On the FIRST Sunday of the month, we’ll gather IN-PERSON ONLY for an intergenerational whole family worship service. We’ll involve the children and youth of our church in worship leadership on this Sunday. After worship we’ll have in-person church school for the young people and an in-person Second Hour program for the adults of the church.

On this first Sunday, we will NOT be broadcasting the service live on Zoom. We will, however, record the service and make it available on YouTube for those who would like to watch it online at a later time.

We are especially excited to celebrate communion as an intergenerational community on these Sundays. Pastor Heather and our Deacons will be offering to bring communion to members of our community who are not able to attend in person in the afternoon of these Sundays.

Last Sunday of the month

On the LAST Sunday of the month, we’ll gather ONLINE ONLY. There will be NO in-person service in our sanctuary on these Sundays. By gathering our whole community online, we hope to strengthen our connections with those who worship with us in this way every Sunday. We’ll also make use of these Sundays to welcome online worship leaders and occasional guest preachers who will join us from out of town. And we’ll enjoy our online “coffee hour” in the Zoom breakout rooms–a feature that many of us enjoyed during the pandemic shut down.

All other Sundays

All the other Sundays of the month we’ll have HYBRID worship, both in person in our sanctuary and on Zoom. You are welcome to join us in whatever mode works best for you.

Our goal is to keep worship at Westminster Spirit-filled and Spirit-led.

We look forward to seeing what this experiment will show us about how we can best do that at this moment in our church’s life. Thank you–in advance–for coming along for the ride!

Worship service details for each week are available on our website: Click here for Sunday worship details

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email Pastor Heather or call at the church office at (518) 436-8544.

** Are you new to WPC and looking for more information about our Sunday worship? Learn more here:


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Learn more on our Leadership page: https://wpcalbany.org/leadership/
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