Hanging of the Greens
Westminster Presbyterian Church 85 Chestnut St, Albany, NY, United StatesPlease join in and help prepare our sanctuary for the Advent and Christmas seasons.
Please join in and help prepare our sanctuary for the Advent and Christmas seasons.
Join us the first two Sundays in December to prepare "Fear Not," our fun Christmas pageant! All children and youth are encouraged to participate.
Sunday Worship at Westminster Presbyterian Church, Albany, NY. Worship is in-person and online with Zoom. Please join us, all are welcome.
A men's weekly bible study gathers in person to explore passages from scripture from worship or a passage of your choosing.
Are you looking to practice English? Join us every Sunday for our free English Conversation Club. All are welcome.
Join the First Annual Festival of Thanks & Giving with family activities, gratitude circles, and a light lunch. Hosted by the FOCUS Churches of Albany and Westminster Commons.