I’m sure that question is on the minds of people here at the church. You now have me as your interim pastor. What comes next in your work to call a new pastor? First of all, together we’ll continue the effort you have been sharing to maintain the life and mission of WPC. The worship, fellowship, caring, and mission outreach of the church provides the following: a foundation on which to keep building a future; the support for one another that renews and recharges people; and the focus not just on our internal community but also on Christ’s caring for the community and world around us. Second, the Session will begin discussing at its April meeting the Congregational Assessment process that we will use to produce a Mission Study. That study in turn will help the church begin to map its future priorities, which will help you know what skills you want in your next pastor. Third, on April 29, you are encouraged to take part in a congregational discussion based on your history and experiences here at WPC. Food and child care will be provided. Through a series of 4 questions which everyone will discuss we will accomplish the following: Name our ministry milestones-those events God has used to shape us into the church we are today. Claiming the past as the past which informs but does not by itself determine the future. Help us determine mistakes to avoid and successes to repeat in the future. Give me as Interim a better sense of where you’ve been, who you are, and what you value in a short amount of time. Throughout this transitional time, we will together be trying to answer the following underlying questions: In this congregation, in what ways are we becoming more faithful to the life and teachings of Christ? How well are we making disciples out of our members? In what ways are we good stewards of the gifts and resources available to this congregation? How is what we are about as a congregation related to Christ’s mission, rather than keeping an institution or program alive? In what ways do we make room for the Spirit continually to revitalize and refocus our congregation? It’s going to be a challenging and fun journey if we do it together. Rev. Bill Schram began his ministry with Westminster in March and is the current Interim Minister. Bill attended McCormick seminary in Chicago and met his wife Jenny there. They have served as co-pastors and in separate positions. He has served churches in urban, near suburb, small town, county seat towns in various positions such as pastor, associate pastor, interim pastor, and hospital chaplain. He and Jenny have two natural and one foster daughter. Delightfully, they now have a granddaughter to enjoy.
What Does the Future Hold for Westminster Presbyterian Church?