Isaiah 2:1-5 “Come, let us walk in the light of the Lord” This is an urgent plea to all nations and peoples in this Advent season of…
Westminster Presbyterian Church
Saints and Zombies
Halloween or Hallow’s Eve would not be possible without All Hallows Day, or All Saints Day, Nov. 1. The frights of the Eve were banished…
Threads or Sticks
Threads can look a lot like sticks. But they are wonderfully different. Threads, or strands of yarn, are soft to the touch. Sticks are…
Presbyterians and the Saber-Tooth Curriculum
Some 45 years ago, I took a class that looked at paradigm shifts in cultures – those shifts in thinking and/or doing that reshaped a…
Another Solemn Assembly
Dear Friends, On August 2, I enjoyed my granddaughter Gracie’s 7th birthday party and hosted her at a “sleepover” at the hotel where Jen…
Working On Our Spiritual Health
Among the sermon topic requests I received for the summer preaching were several requests relating to prayer, deepening one’s faith and…
The Earthquake of Easter
In John, Jesus’ followers see the empty tomb and then go home. Someone’s raised from the dead and you head to your barcalounger? Luke…
40 Ideas for Keeping a Holy Lent
Day 1: Check out the Daily Devotion on the church’s Facebook page Day 2: Invite a friend to share these ideas with Day 3: Don’t turn on…
Lent 2019
A recent online, non-scientific survey by Christianity Today revealed the most popular things people give up for Lent: 1) social…
Cold Snap Thoughts
I went to bed last night having seen that the outside temperature was -3℉. This morning, it was up to 2℉ when I drove to work. Before it…
Lessons from the Retail World
Pastor and church consultant Carey Nieuwhof wrote the following observations about what the decline in retail/mall shopping can teach…
Traveling by a Different Way
HAPPY NEW YEAR! The new year is a time that people make resolutions on how they want to move ahead in better ways in the coming year….