Sunday Worship

Sunday Worship at Westminster Presbyterian Church, Albany, NY. Worship is in-person and online with Zoom. Please join us, all are welcome.

In the Gospel of John, when Jesus speaks of his death on the cross, he refers to a story fromExodus when the Israelites had to look up at a bronze serpent in order to be healed from snake bites. Like the bronze serpent, the cross is a display of everything that is killing us–scapegoating, empire, violence, and sin. When we bring all of that to light, we can be healed. But most of the time, we would rather avoid, ignore, and compartmentalize. We make other people our enemy instead of looking at the harmful parts of ourselves and our culture.

Where do you see this tendency to deny and hide in your life, and in our life together? How can our faith in Jesus empower us to confess, repent, and heal?

Remember: Daylight Saving Time begins this Sunday! Set your clocks forward one hour so you don’t miss our worship service!

Click here for Sunday’s bulletin

Click here for in-person worship guidelines

Click on the link below to join worship through a Zoom Meeting:

The same link will be used in all our upcoming “Sunday Worship” gatherings

Listening to the service on your phone:

If you are having trouble using Zoom to join the worship service, or would prefer to listen, you can call in and hear the service over your phone. Any phone number below should work.

  • +1 646 558 8656
  • +1 312 626 6799
  • +1 669 900 9128

Meeting ID: 565 789 833
Passcode: 12210

Phone controls for participants: The following command can be entered using your phone’s dial pad while in a Zoom meeting:

  • *6 – Toggle mute/unmute

Sunday Worship

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