Vigil for Racial Justice Update, June 5, 2024

Jun 5, 2024

Tuesday, June 4, was very warm and dry, a perfect day for the Vigil for Racial Justice. Rachel Smith joined the usual crew, while David took the “lonely end” of the banner usually occupied by Mabel McGraw.

Shortly after taking our places, a well-dressed lady crossed State Street and came up to us. “Thank you,” was all she said and that was quite enough to cheer us on. A bit later, a gentleman across State Street appeared to take our picture.

At about 12:30, Jean Burton and Nancy Horan, both members of our neighboring church, Emmanuel Baptist, arrived. We had invited them to tell us about their pilgrimage to the sites of the struggle for civil rights.

We retired to the cool of the church and brown bag lunches while Jean described the places they visited; Atlanta, Birmingham, Montgomery, and Selma. Sometimes, standing and holding our signs, we are tempted to think we are the only ones who care – so it was good to be with partners in the community of faith and hope.

We will be back again next Tuesday when we will meet with members of the Albany Presbytery Task Force for Racial Justice. Join us – every Tuesday at Noon.

Written by The Rev. David McMillan, HR

Westminster holds a public Vigil for Racial Justice on Tuesdays, 12 noon – 1:00 pm on State Street in front of the church.

To learn more call or email Dave and Elizabeth McMillan or call the church office: 518-436-8544

Read Westminster’s Statement of Solidarity and Call to Action here

About the author

Rev. David McMillan, HR and Elizabeth McMillan are active members at WPC. Dave is a retired Presbyterian minister. In his retirement he has contributed his talents to Westminster by leading a variety of Bible studies, helping with the newsletter and the church family photo directory, chairing the WPC Centennial Anniversary Planning Committee, and assisted his wife, Elizabeth, as she is the primary organizer of the Vigil for Racial Justice events. He and his wife Elizabeth live at The Beverwyck in Slingerlands.
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