WPC holds a public Vigil for Racial Justice on Tuesdays. You are invited to come join us – pray; hold signs; and witness the need for racial justice in our city, our country, and our world.

WPC holds a public Vigil for Racial Justice on Tuesdays. You are invited to come join us – pray; hold signs; and witness the need for racial justice in our city, our country, and our world.
WPC holds a public Vigil for Racial Justice on Tuesdays. You are invited to come join us – pray; hold signs; and witness the need for racial justice in our city, our country, and our world.
WPC holds a public Vigil for Racial Justice on Tuesdays. You are invited to come join us – pray; hold signs; and witness the need for racial justice in our city, our country, and our world.
WPC holds a public Vigil for Racial Justice on Tuesdays. You are invited to come join us – pray; hold signs; and witness the need for racial justice in our city, our country, and our world.
WPC holds a public Vigil for Racial Justice on Tuesdays. You are invited to come join us – pray; hold signs; and witness the need for racial justice in our city, our country, and our world.
WPC holds a public Vigil for Racial Justice on Tuesdays. You are invited to come join us – pray; hold signs; and witness the need for racial justice in our city, our country, and our world.
WPC holds a public Vigil for Racial Justice on Tuesdays. You are invited to come join us – pray; hold signs; and witness the need for racial justice in our city, our country, and our world.
As the weather turns cold and snow flies this brave crew will take a break until they reappear in March 2023.
VIGIL – a period of time when a group stays in place and quietly waits….a period of purposeful watchfulness. Next week will be the second anniversary of the WPC Vigil for Racial Justice.
A lectionary is a list of Scripture readings to guide worship using the gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke.
First anniversary of the WPC Vigil for Racial Justice. Come join us Tuesday, September 21 as we celebrate one year of THE VIGIL!
Now, as the days grow warm, is a great time to join the Westminster Vigil for Racial Justice, held every Tuesday from 12 noon until 1:00…