Ned, Mabel, Paul, Elizabeth, Margaret, Heather, Tom, David, Judy and Mary once again unfurled their banner, raised their signs and settled in along State Street Tuesday. This was the final Vigil for Racial Justice for 2022. As the weather turns cold and snow flies this brave crew will take a break until they reappear in March, 2023.
Dave who lives across the street and keeps an eye on Westminster came by to wish us a Happy Thanksgiving. An occasional car honked its horn as the group discussed whether the cause of racial Justice has made progress in the two and a half years since the death of George Floyd and Westminster’s commitment to the cause. The group noted that, perhaps, the local police are more sensitive, but they face the challenge of the flood of guns inundating Albany Neighborhoods. We also considered the bail reform issues which played a major role in the recent election.
Amidst these solemn reflections, Ned reported on the delightful Sunday afternoon party for the Westminster neighborhood in which he and 50 neighbors and members of WPC celebrated living, working, dancing, protesting, and being together!
Written by: Rev. David McMillan, HR